Saturday, 26 April 2014

Challenge #100 {A Farewell}

After much consideration, we have decided to close the Dynamic Duos Challenge blog. Thank you for your support over the past 2 years…we have had a blast…thank you to all the designers who made Dynamic Duos a success. We are leaving on a high note and although it was a tough decision, we know new opportunities await.

I personally want to thank my friend Anne Marie Hile for her unwavering support and hard work. Anne Marie was integral to making the Dynamic Duos a success. She worked tirelessly with the team and with me, keeping us focused and on track. This challenge would not be what is has become without her passion and drive.

A special thank you to our current team for the last 6 months. Your work inspired us! So although we have chosen to close the challenge, we still have one more challenge left...and we hope you will join us for our very last colour combo at Dynamic Duos...

Welcome to the Dynamic Duos Challenge Blog. Each week we will have two colours for you to use to create a card, scrapbook page, craft or digital project.  Only the two colours, otherwise known as "The Dynamic Duo", may be used for your project.  Neutrals such as black, white, vanilla, skin colours and kraft are also welcome.  

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  1. I'm sorry to see the challenge coming to an end Lesley and Anne Marie. Very fond memories of my time on the team way back in the beginning! Hope to find time to play along in this farewell challenge ;)

  2. Sorry to hear this. I have fairly recently started entering challenges and your is one I have looked forward to. Thanks for all the time and energy you have all put into it! With gratitude….

  3. I'm so sad to hear that you're ending the Dynamic Duos, it has been wonderful to look forward to great inspiration and a fun challenge each Saturday. Thank you for all your hard work over the last couple of years in bringing about one of the best challenge blogs around. All the best...

  4. So sad! This was my first card inspiration group I joined and it will be hard to see it go. But thank you for all of the wonderful color duos over the last few months (since I joined). Best of luck with all of your future endeavors!

  5. Surprised this is ending - though I didn't play that often I thought the concept was fun. However, if I know you Lesley I am sure something new will be popping up~ ;)

    1. Nothing else new, Vicki...I am slowing down. :)
      Thanks for the sweet words my friend.

  6. Very sad to hear of your closing. Such an awesome site and challenges. This was a great place. I hope to see you all around the crafting world.

  7. I am deeply saddened to see the Dynamic Duos farewell challenge! I have loved playing this past year. It has been something I looked forward to each week! Thank you, Lesley and Anne Marie for all your hard work and dedication and to all the team members, past and present! It has been an outstanding challenge and I am thankful that I had so much inspiration from all of you! Best Wishes in all your endeavors! XXXX

  8. Oh, no! I'm so sad to see Dynamic Duos close. It's always been one of my favorite challenges. Thanks for all your hard work and all the inspiration, and best of luck to you all.

  9. Oh no! I'm sad to see you all go. I enjoyed the inspiration I found here and I'll miss playing along. Best of luck to everyone.

  10. I'm really sad you're closing--sorry I didn't start playing sooner. Good luck to all of you--I know I'll see you in blogland!

  11. oh my, this is very sad news...wishing you ALL the best! I have enjoyed DD very much, thanks for the continued inspiration week after week.

    sparkle & shine *~*

  12. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! This is one of my favorite challenges!! I am super sad!! Thanks for the great work and the fun color combos!! I will miss this challenge very much!!

  13. So sad to hear that you are closing Dynamic Duos, but it is a chance for me to reflect on what a fantastic challenge site Dynamic Duos has been. My first DD card was for #12 back in July 2012 - Poppy Parade + Black....and I have played both as a participant and Design Team member 47 times!! I have to declare that I think that Dynamic Duos has really brought out the best of me as a card designer.....some of the cards I am most proud of were made for this blog challenge. Thank you Lesley and Anne Marie and everyone who has ever served on the DT......thank you for an outstanding job...both in terms of professional blog management and incredible creativity. MWAH!

  14. Oh such a shame - don't always get the chance to play each week but I always have a peek at the DT's beautiful creations. Thanks for some wonderful inspiration!

  15. So sorry to read this news. While I haven't played since the start,, I do like to try and join in. I'll certainly make the effort to join in with this last challenge - such pretty colours. BTW - the team have excelled themselves with such gorgeous cards!

  16. I love this challenge and am SO sad to see that its ending! Thanks for all the wonderful inspiration and fun! Best of luck to you all!

  17. sorry to see DD close! Thank you Lesley and Anne Marie for all you've done with this wonderful challenge blog and for the opportunity to serve on the DT in the past!! Best of luck in all endeavors! ooxoxoxoxoxo

  18. I'm so grateful to you, Lesley and Anne Marie, and to all the design teams past and present for these fun challenges! I really loved the whole premise of just two colors and I'll miss DD very much! All the best to you! Hugs, Darnell

  19. Awww, no, so sad to see you go. I love this place.

  20. DD definitely holds a special place for me. Being a part of the design team was some of my most fun crafting. I met some great crafters and friends through it all! This has been such a wonderful blog, managed by superb ladies (Lesley and Anne Marie), full of wonderful designers. I'm sad to see it go but totally understand the reasons behind it! Enjoy the little bit of extra time off this will afford you!

  21. Awwwww....I am so sad. but I understand! I may not have played along every week, however you were the challenge blog that sparked me to become a better card maker! I never failed to miss one week at coming by and checking what the talented team had created both past and present! Thank you Lesley and Anne Marie for all you've done with this wonderful challenge blog! Best of luck in EVERYONE's future endeavors! DD will be missed!

  22. I am sad today. It's been a wonderful challenge and I am very proud and honored to have served on your first design team. I have played often since then and your past color combinations have been a go-to source of inspiration for me!! All of your cards for this final challenge are absolutely gorgeous!

  23. So sorry to see the DD challenge ending! I enjoyed my time on the Design Team very much, and appreciate all the effort it takes to run such a wonderful challenge. Best wishes!

  24. Oh, I am SO sad to see this wonderful challenge ending! Every week, I came by and peeked at all the beautiful cards from the design team.

    Lesley and Anne Marie did an awesome job! xoxo

  25. So sad to see this amazing challenge end. I loved my time on the Design Team. Thank you girls for all of your hard work over the past 2 years.

  26. I'm so sad to hear that DD is ending. I absolutely LOVED working on the Design Team! Lesley and Anne 2 are amazing women to work with, and SO talented!

  27. Sad to see you go. Have so enjoyed participating in your challenges.

  28. Oh, no! I am sooo sad to see Dynamic Duos ending. It was a challenge I loved. The colours were great! Thanks for all the hard work and creativity that went into this site! I will really miss it.

  29. So sad to see you go - I loved this challenge, even that I did not play every time, but it often was my go to challenge if I wanted some colors for my cards. Thank you so much for all the work you put into this challenge - it was very much appreciated!

  30. So sorry to see the challenge coming to an end. Was so much fun to play along and had a blast being a part of this fabulous team for a while. Wishing you ladies all the best and happy we will still be able to stay in touch in blog land xoxo

  31. I´m so sad that you want to stop this wonderful challenge . I will miss your creative cards and your good colourcombos. You were the second ever challenge I took part of and I learned a lot here. Thank you for the good time ! Greetings, Anita

  32. Sorry to read the challenge is coming to an end, it's been so much fun playing along. Hugs Bev x

  33. very sorry to see DD closing its doors... this has been one of my favorite challenges. you will be missed!

  34. I'm so sorry to hear that DD's is coming to an end, I have enjoyed playing along with your yummy colour combo's and seeing your stunning and inspirational DT cards. I wish you all a happy and crafty future. Bev x

  35. I've enjoyed participating in all of the Dynamic Duos challenges since the very beginning, and I'm sorry to see you bring them to a close. Thanks for encouraging me to try new color combinations and for sharing your creativity with the online stamping community. Your challenges will be missed! ♥

  36. So sad to hear this is the final dynamic duo challenge. I've thoroughly enjoyed playing along over the last 12 months and would like to thank the team for such superb inspiration and wish you all the best in whatever you do next. Xx
