Friday, 7 February 2014

Weekly Winners!

Hello there! Anne Marie here. Wow! A great week of submissions for our Bold and Cheery color challenge.

It is time to share some of the projects that caught the eye of the Design Team. So, without further delay, we are excited to share that our Dynamo of the week (selected by Tenia) is:
On A Stampage

This card is CAS AWESOMENESS at its best!! Mynnette wasn't sure about this card but I sure do LURVE it!!! I LURVE EVERYTHING about this card!! Congrats on a AWESOME job well done!!! Woot Woot!!

Now, let's check out the Dynamic creations that have been selected by our Design Team as Runners Up!

The Dynamos have chosen their favorites for the week! If you are a Dynamic Runner Up, please feel free to grab the badge above for your blog. 

(Our picks for Dynamic Runner Up are displayed using inLinkz. If you are using a blog reader, you may need to click to our website to view our picks.)
This InLinkz widget is not allowed in this website. You can still view the linkup here

Be sure to visit us tomorrow to join in the fun as we kick off a brand new color challenge. Have a great day! 


  1. Congratulations, Mynette, and all the Honorable Mentions this week...wonderful cards!

  2. Congratulations, Mynette and all the other Runner Ups! THANK YOU VERY MUCH, Angel for choosing my card! You certainly made my day! I loved the color challenge this week!

  3. OH MY WORD, Tenia--you just made my weekend! THANK YOU SO MUCH! And congrats to all the other winners for their gorgeous cards! :) All perfectly deserved! Mynn xx

  4. congrats to mynnette... gorgeous card!! thanks to holly for picking my card for an HM!!

  5. Yes, congrats Mynette! Awesome card! Thanks to Julie for chosing mine and congrats to the other HM's!

  6. Congrats Mynette!! Love your card! Congrats to all the other winners as well! Thank you Annette for choosing my coffee card as your favourite this week :)

  7. Great cards everyone! The only bad thing about the hearts is that the holiday doesn't last as long as the ideas.
