Friday, 11 October 2013

Weekly Winners!

Hello there! Anne Marie here. Wow! A great week of submissions for our Cajun Craze and Island Indigo challenge. 

It is time to share some of the projects that caught the eye of the Design Team. So, without further delay, we are excited to share that our Diva of the week (selected by Alison) is:


I loved the fun, vibrant look of Cornelia's card. She used emboss resist to great effect and created a very eye-catching look! Congratulations on being our Diva Dynamo this week Cornelia!!

Now, let's check out the beautiful creations that have been selected by our Design Team as Dynamic Darlings!
The Dynamos have chosen their favorites for the week, known as the Dynamic Darlings!!! If you are a Dynamic Darling, please feel free to grab the badge above for your blog. 

(Our picks for Darlings are displayed using inLinkz. If you are using a blog reader, you may need to click to our website to view our picks.)
This InLinkz widget is not allowed in this website. You can still view the linkup here
Be sure to join us tomorrow for a new challenge with our Subtly Yours Challenge, which we hope you will enjoy!

Have a great day! 


  1. Wow! Congrats to our Dynamic Diva, Cornelia- love your emboss resist card!! Lori, thank you for choosing my snowflake "quilt" card as one of the Dynamic Darlings- always an honor to be included with so many wonderful entries :-) Congrats to all of the other Darlings as well- such a great lineup and example of how imaginative our art can be!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks Tara for choosing my card for an honorable mention. Congrats to Cornelia and the other winners. There are always so many great entries with tons of inspiration!

  4. Thank you, DT and participants for your inspiration! Congrats to the picks this week. Thank you, Debbie for the pick- it "really" picked me up and encouraged me!

  5. Thank you to Hayley and the rest of the DT! I'm honored to be a Dynamic Darling!

  6. congrats to the winner and hms! thanks so much janet b. for picking my card!

  7. Wow - I can't believe it! You chose my card as the winner! woooooooooooooooo-hoooooooooooooooo!!
    Congrats to the HM's! Fabulous cards!

    1. You created a beautiful card Cornelia! Well deserved. :)

  8. I just got home from vacation and found that I am a one of the honorable mentions, woo hoo!!! Thank you Susie for choosing my card!! Congrats to the other winners!!!
